
On behalf of the La Raza Youth Leadership Conference, we invite you to participate as a workshop presenter for the 2013 conference. As a presenter, you will be given the opportunity to empower the lives of Latino/a youth and help improve our community. This year’s conference is scheduled for:

Saturday, April 27, 2013
Auraria Campus, Downtown Denver
8:00AM – 3:00PM

As a Workshop Presenter, we ask you to commit to delivering three (3) one hour workshops, for no more than 25 students per presentation. The time commitment for the day is between 8:30AM – 1:00PM. Lunch and entertainment begins at 1:00 and you are welcome to stay and enjoy the activities.

The mission of La Raza Youth Leadership is to empower Latino youth to achieve their educational and leadership and instill the desire to give back to the community. The conference is geared towards youth from ages 12 through 18; male and female; and Spanish and English speaking students.

Workshop Criteria:
In an effort to ensure that all workshops meet the goals of this year’s conference, please ensure that your presentation meets the following criteria:


  1. Incorporate the 2013 theme into your presentation, “Dream, Act, Give Back.”
  2. The presentation must align with one of the following goals:

    Age Demographic = Middle and High School Students

    The career goal introduces youth to the importance and preparation needed to start a career, including the vast array of options. Specifically, introducing youth to career tracks where Latinos are historically underrepresented. i.e. STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), art and business.

    Specific outcomes for career workshops:

    – Students leave with a general understanding of the day to day job responsibilities related to that the career field
    – Academic and professional criteria needed to participate in the career

    Age Demographic = Middle School Students

    Education presentations should promote post-secondary education and training. Please note i.e. financial aid 101, college eligibility and how to be successful in high school.

    Specific outcomes for education workshops:

    – Financial Aid Processes for Higher Education
    – What do I need to do now as a middle school student to get into college. i.e. attendance, extra
    curricular activities, transitioning to high school.

    Age Demographic = Middle and High School Students

    Leadership presentations should develop a sense of community and re-affirm cultural identity and pride, including civic engagement, activism and social responsibility with an emphasis of giving back to Latino communities. Leadership workshops must fall under at least one of the following topics:

    1. Self-Awareness
    a. Students will leave with a better understanding of self and learn tools to self-assess and evaluate their opportunities for growth.

    2. Cultural Awareness
    a. Students will leave with a general understanding of historical events that shaped the Latino community in the last 50 years.

    3. Civic Engagement
    a. Students leave with and understanding of civic engagement principles.
    b. Presenters will identify specific ways to participate in civic engagement at a local and national level.

    4. Healthy Relationships
    a. Students will be able to identify ways in which sexual/gender identity, self-awareness and healthy relationships impact Latino youth.

  3. Expectations for instructional delivery should include:
    – Interactive (non lecture) component to the workshop
    – Current statistics and/or examples related to the number of “Latinos” impacted
    – Visual reinforcement (handouts, charts, diagrams, videos, power points ) Provided by presenter.

Sheila D. Castro
Workshops Chair